
...e se ti regalassi la Luna

The work, created for the Gemine Muse 2010 project by GAI, Giovani Artisti Italiani (Young Italian Artists), was the result of a series of intercultural encounters and dialogues carried out in the early months of 2010 by auroraMeccanica and a group of students from Turin’s Chinese community. These students actively took part in the creation of the project as coauthors and actors: Cai Manna, Chen Zhi Chu, Gan Lihua, Fang Chun Hua, Han Qian, Huang Silu, Jiang Yun, Shu Wen Jing, Xie Yingying, Xu Jia, Xue Ming, and Wang Xiting.

What is inside a terracotta army? What are the secrets that they can tell us; the gifts that they can give? The visitor is asked to interact with the projection; a human touch crushes the armor and reveals the human side of the terracotta soldier.
